Mario is a fictional character in the Mario video game franchise, owned by Nintendo and created by video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Serving as the company's mascot and the eponymous protagonist of the series, Mario has appeared in over 200 video games since his creation. Depicted as a short, pudgy, Italian plumber who resides in the Mushroom Kingdom, his adventures generally center upon rescuing Princess Peach from the Koopa villain Bowser. His younger brother and sidekick is Luigi. The Mario franchise is the best-selling video game franchise of all time. Over 210 million units of th
PopStar Mania
Insta Girls Intergalactic Looks
Winter Puzzle
Zombie Invasioon
Tower Defenders
Rocket Soccer Derby
Candy Bubbles
Shoot and goal
Drift At Will - Crazy 3D Drifting Game
Private War Training
Jigsaw Halloween
Tank Running Game
Haggo Jaggo Runner
Cake Shop: Bake lover
Cats and Trees
Spider Evolution Runner
Caterpillar Land Escape
Old Car stunt Sim
Merge Dices By Numbers
Pivot Strike
Spongebob Coin Adventure
The Amazing Maurice Jigsaw Puzzle
Stickman Adventure
Halloween Village Escape
Kisiy Misiy
Baby Taylor Build A Treehouse
Smashy Jack